Best Starts for Kids
Passed in November 2015, the Best Starts for Kids levy is funding programs to help ensure that every child in King County has a better opportunity to reach his or her full potential in life.
Healthier children become healthier adults, benefiting our whole community in ways such as preventing healthcare and criminal justice crises and creating a better-prepared workforce.
The Sound Alliance's work on behalf of Best Starts for Kids came about as the result of extensive listening to Sound Alliance members in the winter of 2015. Problems surfaced in areas such as education, mental health, funding essential services, homelessness, and health care.
Our leaders' research showed that passing the Best Starts for Kids levy would work to address the root causes of many of these issues.
In a May 2015 Action Assembly, member institutions committed to briefing their members about Best Starts for Kids, and ended up briefing over 3700 people.